Monday, August 25, 2008

On Hotels in China

Previously, I posted about lotions. Well... I took a second look at the... um... stash of random paraphernalia that was stocked on the bedside table, and I found...

Something that contains some mystery item.

I have no idea what this is called (or what it contains), but I can pretty much guess it ain't child-safe. Or work-safe.

Notable here is the phrase: " avoids pregnancy..."

What does that mean? For every Bob and Larry out there (I forgot the saying), it might mean that no woman's gonna get pregnant using the sex ring.

Yes. It's apparently a sex ring.

(If you don't know it by now, go back up and read the text on the box.)

And apparently, IT won't get pregnant. Your woman, however, probably will.

Good thing that just outside your hotel, there's.....

These people will make it a point to keep you away from Medicine that lies. There seems to be no subsections on lying doctors, however. So maybe it might be better if you just don't use the sex ring or the medicine... or better yet, throw it away so nobody ever does.

So you go to the garbage can...

But you never quite find out where to throw it, because...

Is the sex ring / condom a recycled item? If so... shit. If not.. you're still not gonna be able to throw it away. You could, maybe... throw yourself away. Or the woman. But not the sex ring.

So I guess you're stuck with it.

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