Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Second Dose of Brainfart from Hell

again, excerpts from a conference with Cima, Joao, Jonathan, AG, and myself...

Joao Atienza: that black chick looks like she has a 5ocklock shadow
Ronald Cimafranca: You're under arest!
Joao Atienza: 5oclock shadow
Ronald Cimafranca: That chick needs to shave.
Joao Atienza: the plot thickens
Ronald Cimafranca: Wow. Cutting edge transitions and editing... Breath-taking or nauseating? You decide.
bok_gil: what the heck are you guys talking about?!
Joao Atienza: csi miami
Ronald Cimafranca: Operation Black Market sounds like a retarded name.
Joao Atienza: exciting yan
Joao Atienza: hehe
Ronald Cimafranca: Why can't they come up with operation names like Mustang Flex or Block Party?
weretiger55: You expect the monkeys to come up with something better?
Ronald Cimafranca: Among the three CSI franchises, Miami has the greatest potential to be a first=person shooter game.
Angelo gian De Mesa: BWHAHAHAHA
weretiger55: it also has the least potential to be a crime-solving puzzle game
Joao Atienza: you won't need a god mode
Ronald Cimafranca: Like Max Payne, they all have special abilities. Horatio can magically appear out of thin air behind enemies and summon Dleko to take the hit for him.
Ronald Cimafranca: *Delko
weretiger55: Delko superpower is "meat Shield"?
Ronald Cimafranca: Yes.
Joao Atienza: oh oh oh oh
Joao Atienza: here it goes
Ronald Cimafranca: shit!
bok_gil: what happened?
Ronald Cimafranca: Caine just happened.
Joao Atienza: yyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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